
Samsung Galaxy Note N7000 Review

Galaxy Note is A new type of smartphone, borne of insight and innovation. It is the ultimate on-the-go device which consolidates core benefits of diverse mobile devices while maintaining smartphone portability. It empowers you with everything you can ever desire so that you can simply, feel free. It is truly smart. Consumer research indicates that people always want to do more tasks much better, even on the go, whether it is web browsing, email, games, or viewing photos and videos. To do all this, consumers carry multiple devices, because each device has unique benefits that work best in a particular situation. Therefore, consumers constantly switch devices to use the right device at the right time. Even for consumers with multiple smart devices, they still carry around a notepad for writing down ideas. There is an emerging desire for a primary device for on-the-go use that could consolidate the core tasks of multiple devices as well as recreate the ease and simplicity of using a pen and paper. The GALAXY Note was created to reflect your desires. The Galaxy Note is a primary device that will minimize the need to switch to other devices while on the go and open up the potential of your mobile experience.

Customer Reviews

"Now there is no need to carry both an iPhone/Android phone AND iPad/Android tablet! This phone-tablet device has better resolution (and pixel density of course) than the iPad, and it's a third of the size, so it's much easier to carry and walk around with. AND it's much more than just a 3G tablet, it's also a phone for those times that you wish to send SMS, and to have a 'normal' (verbal) phone conversation without voice over IP apps. I am one of those people that actually 'texts' a lot more than I speak into my phone, but the phone is a bit large, so hands-free earbuds or a bluetooth headset is recommended if you speak into your phone a lot.

Because of my impatience, I imported my Galaxy Note from a UK site before it was available on Amazon, but I would have preferred to purchase this device from Amazon instead of importing from overseas. I was so excited to receive my note, and I am simply amazed by the screen resolution and speed!! The build quality is excellent, the device is light (and thin if that's your thing), and a fully charged battery lasts from morning 'til night! I am going to sell my iPhone and Android tablet ASAP! 

More on the screen resolution/camera:

Remote desktop/VNC access from the Note is amazing for those of us that sometimes work remotely, and this device currently has the best balance of usability and portability; For example, for remote desktop use, the iPhone 4/4S is limited by 960 x 480 pixels, the iPad is currently limited by 1024 x 768 pixels, and any Android tablet with 1280 x 800 resolution is nowhere as portable as the Note! Even if Apple finally releases a 9.7-inch 720p iPad in March, I will be staying devoted to my Note. (Tablet makers should be focusing on making 1080P tablets for 2012, in my opinion.) Speaking of pixels, the Note has an 8MP camera on the back and a 2MP camera on the front, so once again much better than any iPad/Android tablet camera, and on par with the cameras on any of the newer smartphones eg. iPhone 4S/Galaxy S2.

Also, if the 5.3-inch screen is too small for remote desktop or watching movies, say in a hotel room, the Note has HDMI-out via a MHL-HDMI adapter! (Samsung and other brands available on Amazon; Take a look on Youtube for NZtechfreak's excellent video reviews on HDMI-output and other amazing things you can do with the Galaxy Note!)

What would I improve about the Galaxy Note?
1. LED notifications; there are no flashing lights when a new push message is received, not cool man!
2. If it could have been just a bit smaller (around 4.9 inches), but not as small as the 4.65-inch Galaxy Nexus, which has a 1280 x 720 resolution (but only a 5MP camera by the way, and the home screen is still only 4 icons wide!).

In summary, the Samsung Galaxy Note is:

1. Better than any smartphone - matching camera/phone features but faster processor, more pixels/higher resolution = more home screen icons, and a longer battery life!

2. Better than any tablet - matching screen resolution and long battery life with any of the newer tablets, but has a better camera, and is still small enough to walk down the street with.

This is the best mobile device ever made!!! "

"Like the excellent, well-written review by Juwan I. Hayward, I also ordered this from Clove Technology in the UK because I didn't want to wait for it. I had not anticipated that I would be able to get it so soon from a vendor via Amazon (with the exchange rate, it cost me a little more than $100 more than it can be purchased here). Of all of the many gadgets and phones I have owned in the past 30 years, this is by far the best and most superior gadget I have had the privilege of owning and using. It really is a perfect mini-computer. I could conceivably eliminate most of my other gadgets and just use this device. It is small enough to put in most pockets (especially jacket or pants).

I go nowhere without it. It is superfast, with a beautiful screen. I use it for playing music, playing games, reading Kindle and ePub books, reading and editing documents, taking notes, surfing the web (in addition to the excellent Android Browser, I love the Dolphin Browser and even occasionally use Firefox for Android), reading news feeds from Pulse and News360, checking Facebook and Google+, taking candid pictures (it also has a good-quality front-facing camera for video chats, which I have yet to use), and all of the many other things one does on today's smartphones and tablets. I have heavily invested in the Android ecosystem, and it really has no noticeable weaknesses compared to iOS (iPhone/iPad/iTouch). This one device combines all the best attributes of a smartphone with those of a tablet, and it is more portable that the normal tablet of today. I own a top-end tablet, and I find myself using it rarely since getting the Samsung Galaxy Note three weeks ago.

Lastly, it has a pen. I love the pen. This device is remarkable and outstanding without it, but the pen really does take it to another level for me. I use it for drawing, doodling, taking notes, having my notes transcribed (the transcription software delivered with it is quite good), and use to more efficiently play games and such. It is really the icing on the cake.

I highly recommend the Samsung Galaxy NOTE. It could conceivably be my go-to device for several years to come. "